Border and Port security personnel use a range of technology to assist with their searches for “stowaways”, including carbon dioxide detectors.


To detect the illegal movement of people across borders

What benefits will I get?

Health and Safety, Security

How do I do it?

The Viasensor G150 samples CO2 levels within shipping containers and other susceptible spaces, drivers have a straightforward and quick tool to alert them of a potential stowaway within their vehicle.

To detect the illegal movement of people across borders

Health and Safety, Security

The Viasensor G150 samples CO2 levels within shipping containers and other susceptible spaces, drivers have a straightforward and quick tool to alert them of a potential stowaway within their vehicle.


Waste Water to Energy Projects

QED provide solutions to aid Wastewater treatment plants use anaerobic digestion to generate heat and electricity on site.
Waste Water to Energy Projects

Border and Port Security Featured Products

Carbon Dioxide Analyser G150

LNAPL & DNAPL Interface Meter

Analyser Data Manager (ADM)

Software to help you manage your G100, G110, G150, G200 and G210 analyser. Download readings and graphically trace readings on your PC.

Get in Touch

Ready to take control of your environmental monitoring? Get in touch with QED today.
